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Mindful Meals Lesson Materials:

SP32-Mindful Meals – Lesson PDF
SP32-Mindful Meals – Handout PDF


SP32-Mindful Meals – PowerPoint as PDF


Session Plan – Mindful Meals

Focus: Today we will work with the kids to learn about different kinds of food and how to ensure we get enough nutrition with our meals. For this purpose, we will use the Healthy Eating Plate, created by nutrition experts at Harvard School of Public Health and editors at Harvard Health Publications (below).


One may be more familiar with the USDA My Plate. While My Plate is a good option, the Healthy Eating Plate addresses some very important issues more in depth. For example, it is better to eat whole grains, avoid sugar, consume healthy oils, and limit dairy, red meat and processed meats. For more information go to:

Copyright © 2011, Harvard University


  1. Engage/hook/activate (5 minutes):
  • Show the Healthy Eating Plate on your board. Ask the kids to share with their partners what is their favorite food of each kind shown in the plate. Listen to the conversations and then have a few of the kids share their choices with the entire group.


  1. Teach (10 minutes):
  • Explain to the kids that it is more important to be mindful about the kind of food we eat than the amount. Give them an example, such as eating as much vegetables as possible is good for a person. When eating sugar, a little bit can be too much. Milk and cheese can be good in small quantities, however one can easily overeat this type of food. Explain that refined flour such as all-purpose flour has much of the fiber and nutrients removed while whole-grain flour retains these elements, thereby being more nutritious.


  1. I am Active! (15 to 30 minutes):
  • Tell the kids that they are now ready for “I am Active!” time. Choose an activity such as running, jumping rope, fast walking, hula-hoop, jumping, playing a game of soccer or any other game.


  1. Wrap-up (5 minutes):
  • Gather the kids and review the importance of choosing foods from each part of the plate in the suggested proportions.


Finish the lesson with an “I’m Active, I Eat Right and I Can Do It” cheer.


LifeStar strategy of the day:

Use The Healthy Eating Plate as a guide for creating healthy, balanced meals, whether served during family meals or packed for eating away from home. Place a copy on the refrigerator as a daily reminder. You can find the plate at:

Challenge students to compose their next plate following the visual.